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Lenticular Labels Announce Enhancement of Classic Brands

Case Study

Taylor partnered with General Mills’ marketing team to create an innovative lenticular labeling concept that would catch the consumer’s eye.

Three cereal boxes with lenticular labels showing motion displayed on a kitchen counter


General Mills had converted all of its cereals to whole grain ingredients — a major differentiator in the marketplace. However, they also faced a major marketing challenge. Something special was needed to attract the attention of consumers in the crowded grocery aisle and make them aware of this important new product feature.


Taylor partnered with General Mills’ marketing team to create an innovative lenticular labeling concept that would catch the consumer’s eye.

  • Taylor used its Impact FX™ printing technology to create labels that featured 3D zoom and side-to-side animation effects.
  • The lenticular labels could be either machine- or hand-affixed to the front of General Mills’ existing cereal box designs.
  • Unique versions were produced for four of General Mills’ most popular cereal brands including Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Cheerios, Honey Nut Cheerios and Lucky Charms.


Taylor’s lenticular printing technology enabled General Mills to draw attention to its new whole grain cereals.

Brand Exposure

  • One million Impact FX lenticular labels were affixed to General Mills cereal boxes in the United States.

Speed to Market

  • Taylor was able to meet General Mills’ aggressive turnaround requirements for the product rollout.

Cost Effectiveness

  • Affixing labels to existing packaging designs dramatically reduced the cost of the marketing campaign.
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